The CAN Federation attention of the government for traffic charge revenue paid by online

Apr Tue 2023 02:53:10


The CAN Federation attention of the government for traffic charge revenue paid by online

The Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) federation has brought the attention of various ministries and related government agencies to the notice of traffic police not accepting fines paid through Rajaswa Portal ( operated by the government. Recently, it was reported that the traffic police seized the documents that were not valid in the districts of Surkhet, Kalikot and other districts. This incident brought the attention of the CAN Federation to the attention of the government as the government mechanism to implement the digital system in public service delivery was seen as weak and the service users were forced to stand in line and do transactions through cash.

On Monday, the official team of the CAN Federation drew the attention of Nepal Government Spokesperson and Minister of Communication and Information Technology Rekha Sharma about this incident. The federation's team reached the ministry and brought to the minister's attention that the revenue paid through the government revenue portal and other digital payment methods could not be accepted by the government offices across the country.

Ranjit Podar, president of CAN Federation, said that the government is conducting various policies and important programs such as Digital Nepal Framework to reduce operating expenses and reduce corruption through the latest technology. President Podar requested Minister Sharma to cooperate and coordinate in this regard as it is necessary to have a reliable and accessible system for checking the amount deposited in the government revenue account.

Minister Sharma said that she is sensitive about this incident while understanding the Federation's attention letter. Minister Sharma said that the government has a policy to encourage digital transactions and the ministry promised to facilitate to solve the problems encountered in its implementation. Under this, she mentioned that correspondence will be sent on behalf of the Ministry to agencies including the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Office of the Comptroller General. On the same occasion, Minister Sharma also informed that she is ready to cooperate with the CAN Federation for the program of increasing digital awareness across the country.

General Secretary of CAN Federation Chiranjeevi Adhikari said that traffic police, the law enforcement body, does not follow the rules of the Nepal government and the compulsion to pay in cash will not encourage the digital transactions promoted by the government and will add more complications to the service flow. Due to the fact that transactions are transparent with online payment, employees and related offices can become more responsible and accountable. Therefore, the general secretary said that it is necessary to take necessary steps to make the services provided by the government agencies agile and transparent so that digital payments will be further encouraged in the future.

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