Cyber Security Conference and Seminar 2023 : Empowering & Raising Awareness against cyber crime

Sep Wed 2023 04:11:56


Cyber Security Conference and Seminar 2023 :  Empowering  & Raising Awareness against cyber crime

PRESS CONFERENCE & SEMINAR, Cyber Security Seminar

Join us for an enlightening seminar on Cyber Security at Shepherd College. In an increasingly digital world, protecting yourself and your data online is of paramount importance. This seminar aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital landscape safely and securely.


We would like to inform you that 1-day conference and seminar on cyber security is going to be organized by the students of Shepherd College, 8th Semester Batch Students in collaboration with Digital ICT Media Pvt. Ltd. to reduce cyber crime. We cordially invite you to be a guest of the event.

                                                              -  Bharat Raj Upreti

                                                           Program Coordinator, 9851093493

Event Details

Date: Friday, 29th Bhadra

Time: 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Location: Shepherd College, New-Baneswor, Kathmandu

Organized by: BMT 8th Semester Students

Join #ShepherdCollege for #BMT / #MMT

& create a winning career in Media Technology.

#DVeducation #PurbanchalUniversity 

with DV Education

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