Nepal's first cyber security policy is National Cyber Security Policy 2080

Aug Wed 2023 01:15:39


Nepal's first cyber security policy is National Cyber Security Policy 2080

The government has introduced a national cyber security policy for the first time. With the aim of strengthening cyber security, the Cabinet meeting has approved the National Cyber Security Policy 2080. The policy covers cyber security challenges, current status, needs, goals, objectives, strategies, tactics, institutional arrangements, etc.

In the policy, it is mentioned that a National Cyber Security Center will be established, ethical hacking will be encouraged, cyber security will be taught in schools, standards will be prepared, and necessary policies will be made.

Apart from this, it is stated in the policy that the transmission of digital content that harms national security, spreads hatred or malice, online harassment and cyber bullying, disrupts social and communal harmony, and spreads obscenity will be prohibited.

Similarly, it is stated in the policy that the scope of the information technology department will be expanded to promote, regulate and develop the information technology system required for government agencies.

Enhancing the capacity of existing institutions related to cyber security and cyber crime investigation, developing digital infrastructure to exchange information about cyber security attacks, building a Government Owned Network-Intranet and National Internet Gateway and a National Contingency Plan related to cyber security. The issues of preparation and implementation are also included in the policy.

It is mentioned in the policy that minimum technical standards will be created based on international practice, cyber security test standards, examiner qualifications will be determined, and the use of open standards will be encouraged to facilitate data sharing.

Encryption will be used when exchanging data, special legal arrangements will be made and implemented for the purchase of equipment and consulting services related to communication and information technology, and necessary standards will be prepared for the security of the data center.

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